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To gather and distribute information concerning Southern (Inner) Mongolian human rights situation and general human rights issues;

To promote and protect ethnic Mongolians’ all kind of rights such as basic human rights, indigenous rights, minority rights, civil rights, and political rights in Southern Mongolia;

To encourage human rights and democracy grassroots movements in Southern Mongolia;

To promote human rights and democracy education in Southern Mongolia;

To improve the international community’s understanding of deteriorating human rights situations, worsening ethnic, cultural and environmental problems in Southern Mongolia;

Ultimately, to establish a democratic political system in Southern Mongolia.

Japan: Chinese authorities harass critics abroad

           ... A.B. is from Inner Mongolia, a region of northern China where ethnic minority Mongols who mainly speak Mongolian comprise 17 percent of the population. A.B. came to Japan for work in 2018 and said he joined peaceful protests in Japan against the Chinese government’s policy of replacing Mongolian with Mandarin Chinese at schools. He said. In response to the language issue, I felt that if I didn’t say anything myself, we [eventually] wouldn’t be able to do anything, so I started expressing my opinions against the Chinese government, against Beijing…. At first, I didn’t disclose my name and face, I wore a mask. My [relatives] were worried about me. I wasn’t sure about my future, I didn’t have capacity to think about it…. I eventually found a job [in Japan], and that’s when I went public with my face and name. Since going public, A.B. said that officials of the local public security bureau – China’s police – in Inner Mongolia have visited his relatives, who are not politically active. Two CCTV videos both timestamped on the same date in 2022, provided by A.B. and verified by Human Rights Watch to have been filmed in Inner Mongolia, show a car with sirens marked “public security bureau” driving up to his relative’s home. Three men, one apparently  ....

Southern Mongolian representatives spoke at a briefing of UN member states during UNGA

           ... What is happening in Southern Mongolia today is another form of genocide, cultural genocide. Starting last September, Government of China has completely banned Mongolian language in all schools across the region. Anything with Mongolian characteristics are removed from buildings, streets and parks. Those who protest these policies are criminalized and imprisoned. As you all know, China is a signatory to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. But the Government of China publicly claimed that China does not have indigenous people and indigenous issues, because “indigenous issues are a product of Western Colonization only”, claiming that “there is no Western Colonization in China today. Therefore there is no indigenous issues”, according to the Chinese Government. This is how China issues free pass to herself and continues to carry out all forms of human rights violations, not only in Southern Mongolia, but also in other occupied nations including Tibet and East Turkistan. I urge the international community especially democratic nations to hold China accountable for its horrendous crimes and atrocities perpetrated in the occupied nations of Southern Mongolia, Tibet and East Turkistan in front of the eyes of the international  ....

'Northern frontier culture': How China is erasing 'Mongolia' from Mongolian culture

           ... Chinese authorities have launched a campaign to change the term that people use to refer to Mongolian culture and to the cultural and historical heritage of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) in a move aimed at eroding Mongolian identity and sense of homeland. The Chinese Communist Party’s new official term, bei jiang wenhua, meaning ‘northern frontier culture’, eliminates reference to Mongolians, one of China’s 56 officially recognised ethnic groups. Since July 2023, Inner Mongolia state media articles, official websites, party statements, party-organised children’s activities, and official social media posts have widely promoted the phrase. The party’s regional propaganda office has also founded an academic journal dedicated to ‘northern frontier culture’, and Inner Mongolia’s premier state-run academic institute has opened a ‘northern frontier’ research centre. The adoption of the term appears to be part of the CCP’s growing campaign to weaken Mongolian ethnic identity and instead push a Han-centric national identity through the elimination of Mongolian language education and other measures. Under Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the party has increasingly equated the culture and language of the dominant Han ethnic group, which comprises  ....

Herders tried for protesting mining, sick and elderly handcuffed and shackled on hospital bed

           ...  Accused of “being evil forces” and “provoking troubles,” 11 Mongolian herders from the Urad Front Banner in the western Southern Mongolia Bayannuur League have been tried recently for defending their land from Chinese mining companies. According to the herders’ families, the protracted trial has so far taken 93 days as of last Friday and is expected to conclude this week. The herders have been detained multiple times since their initial arrests in August 2020, with total detainments ranging from 37 days to 18 months without legal due process. Sick and elderly herders have either been taken into custody in wheelchairs or handcuffed and shackled to hospital beds. Led by 78-year old Mr. Jiranhoyor, the group of Mongolian herders includes Ms. Sumyaa, Mr. Sumbur, Mr. Daichin, Mr. Munkhsumbur, Mr. Nars, Mr. Naranbat, Mr. Hurwaa, Ms. Wei Meili, Mr. Hong Wuyi and Mr. Aldart. They have defended their grazing lands from illegal occupation and environmental destruction by multiple Chinese mining companies, including Huo Tuo Mine LLC, for more than a decade. In August 2020, the Bayannuur League Public Security Bureau dispatched more than 100 fully armed riot police and arrested 11 herders. The Bayannuur League  ....

Enghebatu Togochog's testimony before the Court of the Citizens of the World

           ... My name is Enghebatu Togochog. I am the Director of the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center (SMHRIC), a New York based human rights organization dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights of the Mongolian people in Southern Mongolia, widely known as “Inner Mongolia” of the People’s Republic of China. Here in my presentation, I would like to talk about the PRC’s systematic repression of the rights of the Southern Mongolians, ongoing cultural genocide as well as escalating transnational repression of Southern Mongolian exiles and the citizens of the independent country of Mongolia. Officially incorporated into the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Southern Mongolia, is currently home to a population of six million Mongolians that is twice as large as that of the independent country of Mongolia in the north. Publicly touted as the “model autonomy” by the Chinese government, Southern Mongolia has always been the de facto testing ground of China’s all forms of ethnic policies including genocide, ethnic cleansing, political purge, economic exploitation, cultural eradication, linguistic assimilation, social marginalization, resource extraction and environmental destruction. As early as the 1940s, the Chinese Communist  ....



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